Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Dark Side of Soy

A few weeks ago I worked a rather large event in New York City that was being sponsored by a new “health food” which made claims to help with heart health, was high in antioxidants and was supposed to be really good for you. As it seems to be common knowledge in the US, and in my very health-conscious household, I didn’t question all the claims made, because for as long as I’ve been alive, I’ve been taught that Soy is good for you.

I arrived at 6:00 in the morning, in a cheerful outfit hand picked by the marketing company that hired the four of us. The cold morning air forced us to huddle together around the display set up that we would be posted at, handing out samples of the product the rest of the day. Our team leader came over to us and quizzed us on our knowledge of the products’ benefits as provided for us in a pamphlet the week before. She then went on to explain answers we should give if asked certain questions. One stuck out in particular: “If someone has cancer, and asks you if they can eat the product, tell them they should consult their physician, because really people with cancer shouldn’t be eating soy, it makes it worse.” I was rather surprised by this confession. Don’t human beings always have cancer cells floating around in their system and it’s only until something ticks it off that they metastasize and become malignant? Was this just a naïve notion of mine derived from years of random facts about cancer that somehow found its way together in my head?

The day began to warm up and thousands of people were flowing in and out of the busy event. We handed out hundreds of products while we rambled off its “benefits” and as the day progressed more and more women were pulling me aside to explain to me, Soy really isn’t that good for you. Especially not for menopausal women, or people with thyroid disease, it naturally contains toxins people explained to me, and some thought it was important that I know it causes premature development of young girls as they pushed the product back into my hand.

I began to discuss this with one of the girls I was working with and she explained to me her recent issue with soy milk. She discovered it a few months prior and was trying to lose weight so replaced her milk and soda intake with soy milk. She found her boyfriend was frequently complaining about the lack of sex they were having which never seemed to be a problem before, after a while she realized the soy milk was completely destroying her sex drive.

I went home that night and put “soy bad” into a Google search, the information that came up was shocking a very important link will follow soon but in summary raw soybeans contain potent toxins. (phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines) that are unfit for man and animal to consume raw. The reason the Chinese have no problems with their intake of soy products (tofu) is because they allow it to go through a natural fermentation process which eliminates toxins. Anyone who grows kidney beans or other specialty beans in a garden knows that you have to boil the beans for a good while otherwise they are toxic and will make you very sick. Same goes for soybeans (edamame is boiled or steamed and served very hot) this process denatures the toxins found in beans. But in modern soy products the quick industrial processing does not allow for this denaturing of toxins which leads to a whole slew of health problems. These toxic foods are being readily fed to Americans at large. The Soy industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and does a lot to protect its fortunes including conducting false studies, the FDA is currently re-evaluating these statements but it’s new findings may come out to late. The best thing to do is spread information.

To find out more shocking details about soy please visit this website

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